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solar cell phone charger
August 28,2020
PART LIST:8v solar cellResistors:10ohm,470ohmCapcitor:2200u,1000uLed diodeZener diode:5.1vUSB port CIRCUIT EXPLANATIONS:The input volt from the solar cell is 8v which Is been reduced by the resistors to a certain voltage but before the voltage is been reduced by the resistors the capacitors filter the input voltage then after that the voltage is been reduced after the voltage is reduced the zener diode regulates the voltage to 5v which is the normal voltage at which a mobile phone is been charged.

Lab bench power supply circuit diagram
August 29,2020
This is a circuit diagram of a lab bench power supply circuit. The circuit consist of different dragon which was also implement in the circuit diagram.some of the design implemented in the circuit include, short circuit protection,zener diode tester, continuity tester(which also implemented with a buzzer, boost converter,battery level indicator,6A 26v output supply. Part list:6A rectifier diode,capacitors(value is displayed at the circuit diagram),resistors(values are displayed at the circuit diagram),led,7812 voltage regulator ic,transistors,cd4017 counter, buzzer, USB female connector,stepdown transformer ,7805voltage regulator etc.Circuit explanation:The circuit is a full rectification circuit.where by the diode converts the ac(alternating current)voltage to a DC voltage, the capacitor filter the output voltage from the diode then after the capacitors filter the voltage a 7805(it should be placed on a proper heat sink to avoid damaging the ice) voltage regulator ic is connected to to get a 5v output which will be used to charge a cell phone as designed in the circuit diagram a 12v voltage regulator ic was connected to the circuit to deliver a 12v output to the remaining part of the circuit.Thanks.Note:the circuit diagram won't be included here because there is no space for it but you can get the circuit diagram in our app using the link below.

Transistor and working.
September 30,2020.
Transistors are more like a. On junction diode which are connected together.Transistors is a three terminals semiconductor device that regulates current flow and acts as a switch or gate for signals.Why we need transistors in a circuit. Transistors is used in a circuit for amplification.AMPLIFICATION means increasing the signal strength for instance when a transistor is used in an audio amplifier to increase the output signal and at the the same time make the output signal smooth. Types of transistors and pinpoint. Transistors are of two type THE NPN and PNPNPN means not pointing in,PNP means pointing in that's a simple way to recognize a transistor for a beginner.These facts are very important in the construction of a circuit to identify the transistor used in the construction of the circuit.The three terminals of a transistor are emitter ,base and the collector.Base:its main function is to pass the majority carriers from the emitter to the collector.it is indicated with a letter BNote: in the symbol of the transistor above the base is the center terminal of transistor symbol.Emitter:the emitts electrons,this is simply indicated with letter E.Note;in the above symbol of a transistor the emitter is the terminal with an arrow.Collector:this is a bit large in size than the emitter and base, it is moderately dopedThis is indicated with letter CNote; the collector in the transistor has no arrow on it.A transistor is not always the same the terminals very from transistors to transistors but a u can use a multimeter to know the pinpoint of the transistor.EXAMPLE; c1815 npn transistor for you to know that the transistor is an npn transistor you need the datasheet to know that.Next time I will tell more on transistor because it hasn't finished yet.THANKS.
Electronics and electrical engineering circuit diagram and designs.